Media Pembelajaran Pada Narasi Panggilan Musa Sebagai Sarana Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif

  • Setiaman Larosa STT Mawar Saron Lampung
Keywords: learning media, call of Moses, Exodus 3 and 4, cognitive ability.


Still a lot to discuss about the effect of learning media on increasing students' cognitive abilities. Although the increase in cognitive abilities can be proven through the achievements of students, it must have a large portion in the discussion of media that is less attention at this time. To prove this, the writer conducted a literature study by examining the narrative of God's call to Moses in Exodus 3 and 4, aware of his divine calling. With educational nuances, it can be said that God has cognitively understood knowledge of his calling and sending. Through the media, Musa experienced a cognitive increase in his mind so that he did not hesitate to step into Egypt and hastened Israel's ability to experience an increase in Egypt's ability. In this study, the authors analyzed four media that God used as learning media, namely thorn bushes, sticks, hands and Aaron, Musa's brother. It was through these four media that Moses understood correctly what his real calling in life was.


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How to Cite
Larosa, S. (2021). Media Pembelajaran Pada Narasi Panggilan Musa Sebagai Sarana Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif. Jurnal Apokalupsis, 12(2), 145-165.